Game Changer: It’s The Little Things!

It was an honor and privilege to be asked to participated in Sarah Robinson's "30 Days To Changing Your Game." The idea; 30 bloggers, 30 blog posts and 30 ways to inspire others to create new habits and new ways of thinking to changing their game.
The excerpt from my article is below. You can read the full article; It’s The Little Things on Sarah Robinson's Blog, Escaping Mediocrity.
There is no secret to being a success on Twitter; it’s the little things that count. The same principles can be applied to your daily life as well.
A few things I did that changed my game and it can for you too.
Value - Sharing your knowledge, expertise and helping others with it, adds value. You will be the trusted person that everyone will go to.
Be Nice – Being nice is very easy to do and don’t expect anything in return. It doesn’t take much to show kindness, that kindness will be returned in full when you least expect it.
Community – Contributing and being part of a community; helps build relationships and trust. It will also give you the sense of belonging, like family. When in need, you can call on your community for support.
Share Your Life – Take a chance; Open up and share something about your life. People are more willing to do business with someone they know something about, builds trust.
Labels: 30 Days To Changing Your Game, Design, Escaping Mediocrity, Inspiration, It’s The Little Things, Marketing, Sarah Robinson, Self-Promotion, Twitter