Mayhem Studios Featured in Vocus: Brand Yourself Better Webinar with Stacey Miller

Thank you very much Vocus and Stacey Miller for featuring me, as an example of great "Personal Branding" in the Vocus webinar "Brand Yourself Better."
Want to stand out and become a more successful marketer? Brand yourself better, says Stacey Miller, a finalist for Oracle's Community Manager of the Year.
Your personal brand is what people see when they view you professionally. Just like a product brand delivers sales, the personal 'X-factor' delivers opportunities, new contacts, bigger projects and more influence.
Check out the webinar recap; Be a Brand in Demand: Stacey Miller’s Advice for Marketers.
Missed Stacey’s webinar? Register for the on-demand version now.
Stacey's Personal Branding webinar includes:
+ Strategy - Define a personal brand tailored to your professional goals.
+ Key Assets - Build it with your resume, elevator pitch, networks and more.
+ Leverage - Grow your brand fast with social media and online tools.
Also check out the slides from webinar "Brand Yourself Better"(pdf).
Labels: Branding, Elevator Pitch, engagaement, Facebook, Google Plus, instagram, Network, Online Tools, Personal Branding, Promotion, resume, Social Media, Stacey Miller, Twitter, Vocus, Webinar