Layers Magazine: Twitter Round Table Discussion With Mayhem Studios

Nancy Masse of Layers Magazine asked a few who were active on Twitter, to participate in a two part Twitter round table discussion; Jacob Cass, Just Creative, Andy Sowards,, Adam Nollmeyer, Acme Photography and Calvin Lee, (myself) Mayhem Studios who work in the creative industry to share our insights from an individual’s point of view on Social Media.
In Twitter Round Table Part 1: We were asked a set of questions regarding Social Media through Twitter, back in January.
In Twitter Round Table Part 2: We re-visit the participants in our first round table discussions to see exactly how much has changed in the four months since our last discussions.
Follow me, @mayhemstudios @NAPP_News @JustCreative @AndySowards and @AcmePhoto on Twitter.
Labels: Acme Photography, Andy Sowards, Design, Jacob Cass, Just Creative, Layers Magazine, Nancy Masse, NAPP, Round Table, Self-Promotion, Twitter