Mayhem Studios Completes Redesigned of MBDA Business Center Los Angeles Website

I just completed the redesigned website for MBDA Business Center Los Angeles.
The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Business Center – Los Angeles, is operated by the University of Southern California (USC) in partnership with the City of Los Angeles, Mayor’s Office of Economic & Business Policy (OEBP). They are one Center with two locations and are a part of the national network of over 40 MBDA Business Centers, funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce - Minority Business Development Agency. The MBDA Business Center-Los Angeles offices are located at University of Southern California and at City Hall in downtown Los Angeles.
They measure their results by working to serve minority firms throughout the Southern California region and nationally to win contract awards and receive loans totally $100 million annually. Since 2007 the Los Angeles center has successfully secured: Over $400 million in contracts, More $107 million in financing.
Labels: City of Los Angeles, MBDA, Minority Business Development Agency, U.S. Department of Commerce