Mobile World Congress and Barcelona! Here I Come!

The Mobile World Congress represents the interests of the worldwide mobile communications industry. The Mobile World Congress conference is held this year in Barcelona, Spain from February 14th-17th. Its mobile industry's "must attend" event with more than 49,000 visitors in 2010.
As an integral part of Congress, the conference agenda will feature speakers representing the leaders of the world's most innovative companies, both from within our industry and from the growing number of adjacent market sectors joining our expanding mobile ecosystem.
I can't believe in couple of days I will be in Barcelona, Spain! Two years ago when I started using Twitter. I would never thought, I would end up traveling to Barcelona for the Mobile World Congress 2011. Twitter has opened up so many avenues for me. It was one of my dreams to visit Europe one day, that dream has arrived!
I would like to thank LG Mobile for offering me this great, once in a life time opportunity by sponsoring the trip and covering all my expenses. I'm excited to start this journey with LG Mobile. I will also be accompanied by two other great guys; Alister Cameron and Will Francis on this trip.
I'm not sure what to expect at the Mobile World Congress, since this is my first one. I'm excited to take in this new experience. I look forward to using the LG Optimus 2x during my time at MWC11, provided by LG Mobile. I'm an iPhone guy but this gives me the opportunity to try out an android phone. I'm also looking forward to checking out the LG Optimus 3D phone and the LG tablet, LG G-Slate.
I hope to enjoy Barcelona's; culture, food, architecture, people, etc while I'm in town. I will have one whole day and most nights to explore Barcelona. I'm sure you'll be seeing my stream of photos as I live tweet and blog through out the course of the week. I can't wait!
Finally, follow the hashtag #MWC11 for the latest on the Mobile World Congress Conference. Make sure to follow us on twitter. Check out our updates during MWC11 and our activities in Barcelona. @LGmobileMWC @Aliam @WillFrancis @mayhemstudios.
Labels: Alister Cameron, Barcelona, LG Mobile, Mobile World Congress, MWC, Social Media, Spain, Twitter, Will Francis