UPrinting Give Away: 1000 Free Business Cards And One 18x24 Canvas Print

Mayhem Studios and UPrinting is teaming up to give away: 1000 Free Business Cards and One 18x24 Canvas Print to two lucky winners. I would like to thank UPrinting for sponsoring this give away in support of the creative community.
UPrinting is a leading online printing company that provides high quality printing at the most affordable prices including; Canvas Prints, Business Card Printing, Brochures, Postcards and more.
For over 25 years, UPrinting has been a trusted leader in online printing, featuring its signature easy-to-use website and the famous Free File Review, a complimentary proofing service which requires no upfront payment.
UPrinting offers convenient marketing support services such as design, lists, and direct mailing to help grow small and medium-size businesses nationwide.
Leave a comment at the end of the blog post, describing what you would use the free business cards and/or canvas print for.
+ 1000 Free standard size business cards for one reader
+ One Free 18x24 rolled canvas print for one reader.
*You can choose from any of their stocks for these items.
+ Give away will end July 24, 2009
+ Winner will be announced on July 27, 2009
+ Must leave contact information, email or Twitter name
+ Winners in the United States and Canada qualify for free shipping. Shipping fees will apply to winners outside these areas.
Labels: Business Cards, Canvas, Community, Contest, Design, Free, Give Away, Poster, Promotion, UPrinting, Winners
I would be interested by both prizes in fact. Indeed, I would use the business cards to begin my freelance work but I would also love to use the canvas print to see once one of my photomanipulation in "real".
Posted by
ktycat |
July 15, 2009 7:58 AM
Oooh, wonderful!
I've been looking for an excuse to get my business cards squared away and this might just be it!
Starting my own business has been tough and every little bit helps.
Posted by
Unknown |
July 15, 2009 8:19 AM
I would use the business cards for my photography business. I have had 5 past print vendors, all who have done a terrible job. I currently have no business cards. I have zero faith in any vendor right now. I have no idea where to go. The print...I would print out a photograph I have of several books that my sister loves and give it to her as a gift.
Posted by
Anonymous |
July 15, 2009 8:10 PM
Just opened up my own creative shop. Could use the cards to get the ball rolling in the right direction. Also, the canvas would be the first piece of decor in my office.
Posted by
Casey Schultz |
July 15, 2009 8:11 PM
Business Cards would be for my freelance business since I don't have that much money right now, free would be awesome. The print would a design for my girlfriend! :) Good luck to all!
Posted by
Unknown |
July 15, 2009 8:15 PM
I'm creating a web site that will feature uber-high resolution images (e.g. 12k pixels X 4k pixels) of breathtaking images in Hawaii that will be suitable to print as large posters.
I'm going to be looking for both a partner to service clients wanting to print these images and will also soon be printing business cards as well.
Here's a sample image (low res version) of what I'm looking to print/partner on.
I'm @peterkay on twitter and currently follow @mayhemstudios . I hope your contest brings you lotsa leads!
Posted by
Peter Kay |
July 15, 2009 8:24 PM
Hi, I'm Break-Intro and started as a freelancer. I do mostly design for tees. But for the moment things are just taking of. So those business cards would be a real help to find clients and give them a good first impression.
I was looking yesterday in fact for some busnisscards :P.
But at the moment that would be a luxury for me.
If I don't win do I get a vote (5) and a tweet about my design that just went up at threadless? (I do there also a contest (a little one)
so leave also a comment behind :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
July 15, 2009 8:43 PM
I would love to win the business cards to help promote myself to find work as a designer. They would be shipped out in a package along with shirts I just had printed of my logo.
Posted by
Matt Ambler |
July 15, 2009 9:11 PM
Id put good use to those business cards by starting my freelancing entity, and providing some pretty sweet looking business cards. The 18x24 print would showcase one of my more admired photos.
twitter name: Brettdnlsn
Brett Danielsen - ugetcrabs123@gmail.com
Posted by
Brett Danielsen |
July 15, 2009 10:36 PM
I'm always on the hunt for more business cards, the more I have the more I can throw at people! The banner would be awesome to promote a pet project of mine that is finally going to see the light of day and the public real soon :)
Posted by
MorayWeb |
July 16, 2009 1:41 AM
I'd design a tshirtsbymarilyn Hawaiian Designs Made on Maui biz card.
Posted by
Anonymous |
July 16, 2009 2:35 AM
I am a budding entrepreneur and I attend many networking events, so 1000 business cards can really help me!
Posted by
Farrhad A |
July 16, 2009 4:04 AM
I'm a Graphics and Web Designer and I've just started my career. I'll use the business card for branding and marketing as I'm a newbie to this world. This card is going to help me alot. And tons of times I've observed that I should have one.
This is really gonna help me.
Posted by
Enk. |
July 16, 2009 4:08 AM
I am working on moving forward with a small company promoting my photography, an invention group and a craft venture, the cards would be a great addition at this time. I would also love the print for promoting my photo business.
Twitter name is pentaxfan
Posted by
Unknown |
July 16, 2009 6:00 AM
I would just LOVE to win this contest! I would use the cards to print small, fun, free download business cards for my music project, Ask You In Gray! We're all about electro-pop and it would be fun to create mini synthesizer biz cards! Yeah! The canvas I'd love to use to print a collage of all my good friends and frame on my wall!
Posted by
Unknown |
July 16, 2009 7:01 AM
I am in the midst of launching my new clothing line, and this would be a great opportunity to use the 1000 business cards as promo-cards to get my name out there
Posted by
koracion |
July 16, 2009 9:40 AM
I would use the biz cards for my designing business. I will use the canvas to print the new panorama photo that I took from the sunrise last week.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Posted by
Ariyo |
July 16, 2009 11:20 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Posted by
Seth |
July 16, 2009 12:14 PM
What a great giveaway! Let's see - I would use the business cards for the company I'm starting, hands down. That would save me some startup capital. As far as the canvas print - my wife has been taking some great, creative shots of our kids, and our wedding anniversary is coming up next month. A canvas print of our kids would make a great gift, or a canvas print of one of her vector works would be nice as well.
Posted by
Seth |
July 16, 2009 12:17 PM
Well, I always need business cards...I paint abstract trees and keep cards at the galleries which seem to always be running out. A canvas print of one of my paintings would be too cool. Would love to see what they could do! You can check out my paintings here: http://KristiTaylor.com
Posted by
KristiTaylor.com |
July 16, 2009 1:01 PM
What a great giveaway! i came over here because I was so jealous of the gift package from @chrisbrogan!
I'm the co-founder of ProvenanceID, a pre-launch startup that will be bringing consumers closer to the farmers who produce their food. As many have said, every little bit helps when you start a company!
We'll be presenting at a few VC events and quick pitch events over the next few months and would use the cards (a nice big branded canvas print would do wonders as well!) to connect with potential investors and clients alike.
Also, we're looking for a relationship with a printer to handle our printing needs, which will include bulk sticker orders, as our business model is centered around tracking technology which requires foodstuffs to be tagged with our stickers!
derek @ provenanceid.com
Posted by
Derek |
July 16, 2009 5:20 PM
I've never used Uprinting.com and I design and get a lot of business cards printed (including my own) Would love a chance to check out their quality! I have some amazing photographs I love to be able to see one on canvas on the wall!
Posted by
Scans007 |
July 17, 2009 5:15 AM
Pretty cool idea for a contest!
As a photographer starting out, I'd partner with a charity, and use the cards as an invitation to a special portrait sitting where the money goes to benefit that charity - and use the canvas to advertise it at a location with heavy traffic.
That way, I get my name out there, build up a client base, help out a worthy cause and spread the love that you're sending out!
Peace, love, and all that feel good stuff to all...
Posted by
Christopher Schiller |
July 17, 2009 10:10 AM
Great Stuff.
I could use new business cards, my current cards no longer match the look and feel of my latest portfolio site.
Posted by
Unknown |
July 17, 2009 11:33 AM
I would use the business cards to get my Photography up and running at a much better pace than what I'm currently doing. Currently, it's hard to get a decent amount of buisness cards since I work for basically just gas money (I'm not greedy.. YET?)! This would alleviate a good deal of the need for some cashflow by allowing me to hand out more, and hand out less from my pocket!
-Kristopher Michael
twitter - @krisszupa
Posted by
Anonymous |
July 17, 2009 11:37 AM
I would use these cards to promote my work as a freelance designer and get ahead on this competitive business and brag to my friends by being the only one with business cards of his own! Thanks!
E-mail: victor.abadio@hotmail.com
Twitter: @unaghii
Posted by
Victor Abadio |
July 17, 2009 11:38 AM
I would love the print to print up my own copy of an ad I recently won a competition with. I would like the business cards to promote my new graphic design site graphic design blender. http://www.graphicdesignblender.com. Thanks man
twitter: http://twitter.com/prestondlee
Posted by
Preston Lee |
July 17, 2009 11:49 AM
Thanks guys! Awesome contest idea
-Josh (@jdd1510)
Posted by
jdd1510 |
July 17, 2009 12:14 PM
I am feeling lucky!!
Posted by
Unknown |
July 17, 2009 1:41 PM
I would use the business cards to promote my site 'Site Sketch 101'
Posted by
Nicholas Z. Cardot |
July 18, 2009 4:54 AM
Wow! I hope I get these.Being a freelance mechanic in my town is challenging. These cards would really be great for me, and the canvas would be excellent for the front of my shop. Thanks for the chance!
Posted by
willyod |
July 18, 2009 8:52 AM
Would love the new biz cards to use for upcoming conference so that I could list all my projects.
Would love the print for great photo I took with new camera.
Posted by
Customized Marketing |
July 18, 2009 6:57 PM
This is rather simple...
Me+NewCompany=INTENSE NEED (for New Biz Cards~!)
+attending B2B area meetings, sharing info...a sweet sign would make my little display shine~!
My site is almost ready, my butt is in place...now where did I put those cards?????
Posted by
Eureka Janet |
July 18, 2009 7:08 PM
I want the business cards to help my mother professionalize her home-business personal care "hobby". The need for hand sanitizers and hand soap due largely to the threat of A(H1N1) has created a ready market for her products and the business card would allow her to reach a larger more discriminating market
Posted by
Noel Santiago |
July 19, 2009 4:19 AM
I recently lost my job and that was the kick in the pants i needed to start doing freelance work. I am in the process of putting up my website and i need business cards to market myself and what i can do. I would use the poster for one of my clients as a promotional piece to get my name out to other people.
email: heather_n_austin@yahoo.com
Posted by
Heather |
July 22, 2009 7:10 AM
Hi! I am an artist and would use the business cards in my galleries to promote my site...I'm always running out of those and if I had the canvas print I'd put one of my abstract tree paintings on it. I've never done a canvas print and it sounds very coooool....
You can see my paintings on my website:
Posted by
KristiTaylor.com |
July 22, 2009 4:52 PM
I would use the business cards for an organisation I work with to promote the Children's curriculum we are creating in order to raise more money for Aids orphans in Uganda. *that was a mouthful*
In short: 1000 business cards used for a non-for-profit purpose :)
Thank you very much!
Posted by
Unknown |
July 22, 2009 5:07 PM
I love UPrinting, I would use the business cards to help promote my new technology startup business around the UK and Europe.
I will be taking my business plan to funders and will be pitching my idea to them and would love to have a card to hand to them with my contact details on it.
Posted by
Chris Johnson |
July 22, 2009 5:17 PM
Hey Cal,
I've been meaning to get some business cards after starting to freelance fulltime. Winning this could be a nice kick in the butt into the right direction :)
Posted by
Justin |
July 22, 2009 6:19 PM
I would use these business cards for the freelance business I am developing.
I would probably give the canvas printing to my photographer sister to make a print of one of her gorgeous photos!
Posted by
Taylor |
July 23, 2009 3:30 PM
I would love free business cards YUM!
-Bill Hawken
Posted by
Auburn House |
July 23, 2009 4:32 PM
After running a web design freelance business for a few years and printing business cards on my color printer it's time to get some proper printed cards.
With 1000 cards I'd be able to strategically place small packets of cards in the hand of the most influential business people I know and replace the home made cards that are currently in the hands of my clients.
The canvas print is easy. I'd put one of my fav photos on it and give it to someone special as a birthday/christmas gift or a simple thank-you for a client.
Posted by
Gord Davis |
July 24, 2009 5:58 AM
I would love to win these cards. I'm actually working on a charity event in my city and would use the cards to promote the event (it's going to be a twice-yearly event). The cards would be a killer addition to the way I'm trying to get the word out right now.
Please pick me :)
Posted by
Robert DeVore |
July 24, 2009 5:06 PM
I've been fired last Friday and it's the opportunity to start a business. I live in Brazil and would be great to compare this business cards with mine.
Rafael Lima
Posted by
Rafael |
July 24, 2009 5:13 PM
I am in the process of re-branding my company with a new name and logo. New business cards would be great to re-launch the company. Thanks for the contest.
Kim Oser, Certified Professional Organizer®
Posted by
Kim Oser, Certified Professional Organizer® |
July 24, 2009 5:35 PM
The business would definitely come in handy for handing out at a small business workshop I'll be attending soon, but I'm really interested in the poster as it would seriously help promote my webcomic and I would be able to use it at local cons.
Posted by
Finbar Reilly |
July 24, 2009 5:49 PM
I would use the business cards to promote my new band's MySpace page: www.myspace.com/themicrothrills.
Every time I give out the card I'll ask, "Do Uprint?"
If they say "no" I'll snort: "Bah Mayhem!"
I'm a 47 ex-Yahoo executive and author of Love Is The Killer App (ask @chrisbrogan about the book). I had to give up my band at a point in time (2000) when I had to choose between art and business.
Now I'm living in LA with the opportunity to do it again. People say that 47 is too old to start a band and to that I say: Rock On.
Tim Sanders - www.TimSanders.com
Posted by
Tim Sanders |
July 25, 2009 9:28 AM
What great timing! I am in the process of starting my own company and would love to use the free business cards to help get my name out there and draw people in.
Thank you,
Posted by
Felissa Hadas |
July 25, 2009 11:32 AM
I would use the business cards for starting an (on the side) business to raise money for dogs with Cushings Disease. My dog was diagnosed with Cushings at an early enough age enabling him to live a fulfilled life. However the costs are tremendous.
What a great way to get out the word and save some pups!
Posted by
Dana |
July 25, 2009 11:41 AM
hi, i just relaunched a my photography website and can't wait to see my new logo on business cards! i'd use the canvas as a giveaway to promote the new website on my facebook page + blog.
thanks :)
Posted by
kristin |
July 25, 2009 12:18 PM
I am looking to promote myself as a freelance graphic designer with some new business cards. Thanks, Drew
Posted by
Drew |
July 26, 2009 6:19 AM
I'm looking to print business cards to promote myself as a freelance graphic designer. Thanks for offering this give away! Thanks, Drew
Posted by
Unknown |
July 26, 2009 6:23 AM
If I won the business cards, they'd be put to good use. I'm a co-founder of an organization called I Love Rescue Animals and we've recently started looking into creating business cards to give to local shelters and other animal advocates to get our mission out into the world. This would be incredibly helpful to us.
Posted by
Nikki |
July 26, 2009 5:13 PM
This is an awesome giveaway!
Personally I'd use them to advertise my website for writers (www.bunnyrabbitsex.com - safe for work). I'd give little batches of cards away in our free competitions, and hand them out to people I meet too. Currently, the site is 100% free for members, but all the money comes out of my pocket. It's worth it though! :D
<3 @BunnyRabbitSex
Posted by
Anonymous |
July 26, 2009 5:15 PM
I really could use 1000 new cards for when I relocated my school in L.A. It surely beat printing them out on my ink jet printer. ;-) Hey I'll let you put your ad on that back with a promo code! :-D
jack -at- captainjack dot ws
Posted by
Captain Jack |
July 26, 2009 5:20 PM
I would love to win this prize for my skin care line, ModelSupplies. So far, VistaPrint has been my card supplier, but I would love to see what a difference professionally designed cards could make for my business. Thanks for the chance!
Anita @ModelSupplies
Posted by
Anonymous |
July 28, 2009 3:27 PM
¨HI. I'd use the the prize to print me some business cards. I've on the process of building a company. Mainly for photography and post production.
Posted by
blindfire |
July 30, 2009 10:58 AM
Hi there!
I'm happy to see you hosting our giveaways. Hope that you'll continue doing so in the future. And that you'd still pick us as your blog sponsor. :)
Have you picked a winner yet? Looking forward to it!
Posted by
Louise | UPrinting |
August 07, 2009 4:22 PM
I chanced upon to view your blog and found it very interesting. Great ... Keep it up!
Posted by
Monty |
August 29, 2009 4:35 AM
We'd would like to utilize 1000 cards printed 2 sides (is that offered)? as large installation [a composed grid designed with back and front card -options of tone and texture to create the effect of a pixelated logo. this would then be photographed as a studio marketing image. 18 x 24" canvas print a signage banner for studio entrance. its an idea!
Posted by
Anonymous |
September 06, 2009 12:56 PM
Nice Blog.
Web Design Company Chennai
Posted by
Unknown |
December 10, 2009 2:46 AM
Thanks for sharing this information in internet.
SEO Services India
Posted by
SEO Services India |
December 23, 2009 3:29 AM
Very nice & very informative blog. I like this information, you have done fantastic job.It will help a lots of people.Great Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Jarina |
July 22, 2011 4:42 AM
That was really a great offer, bad luck I missed it.
Posted by
Press Release Submisssion |
August 06, 2011 1:29 AM